Below are just some of the amenities enjoyed by companies and individuals who warehouse at, or distribute from, Northwest Distribution Center:
- Maintenance Shop: This area is 10,000 square feet with 8 very large, high bay garage doors • 1,800 square feet of office space • healthy, efficient and comfy in-floor heat, as well as auxiliary overhead heat • a pit for fast and easy oil changes and a washing bay.
- Warehouse Space: More than 70,000 square feet of premium, secure warehouse space, which is serviced by 18 dock doors and 4 rail doors.
- Railroad Access: Access to 2 railroad spur lines: 4 Rail doors supply rail service to this area.
- Covered Garage Space: 8,000 square feet of space is available as covered truck storage or garage space. While much of this is used for loading and unloading, there are two bays that are 3,200 square feet each. These bays are alarmed separately and fully secure.
- Exterior Truck Storage: besides truck parking for companies that warehouse and/or distribute with us, we offer truck storage for those companies that are solely looking for a place to park their vehicles on a regular basis. This service includes the option to plug your fleet vehicles into electrical outlets during those cold winter months.
- Dry Goods Storage: 120,000 square feet of contiguous dry goods storage space that includes 1,200 square feet of office area which has: 2 offices, 2 break rooms and 2 rest rooms. This area is heated and has 19 available dock doors for all of your shipping needs.
- Cold Storage: these areas provide both ground and dock access for trucks – unique in this region. 120,000 square feet of contiguous dry goods storage space that includes 1,200 square feet of office area which has: 2 offices, 2 break rooms and 2 rest rooms. This area is heated and has 19 available dock doors for all of your shipping needs.
- Perfect Location: Our close proximity to the intersection of I-15 and I-90 reduces transportation time to Butte, all of southwestern Montana and the northwestern United States.
- Cross Dock Doors: We have 7 cross dock doors to serve our clients.
- Heated Docks: to protect the contents of the warehouse and keep workers comfortable while loading and unloading – even during the coldest times of the year.
- Electrical Access: All 7 docks are equipped with exterior electrical outlets for plugging in the trucks.
- Covered Garage Space.
- Dock Plates And A Separate Entrance.
- Restrooms.
- Office spaces.
- Heated Docks.
- Ultimate Car Care: A custom car and RV detailing shop.
If you’d like to know about more of our amenities, or take a tour of our facility, please contact us. We’d love to get together and see how our warehouse and distribution facility can best serve your needs.